Safe Firearm Storage Tips

Safe firearm storage is an important part of being a responsible gun owner. Every year, a number of incidents occur due to improper storage. While these incidents are always unfortunate, many of them may be preventable. Whether you keep guns at home or have them with you on the go, here are tips to maximize safety and minimize the risk of an

April 1st, 2024|Safety|

The Risk of Suicide at the Range

As a firearm business, you’re focused on the day-to-day details of running a successful business. For a club, the focus is similarly on smooth operations. But what happens if someone decides to commit suicide at the range or in your store?

September is known as National Suicide Prevention Month, a time when awareness, causes and prevention of suicide are discussed around the country.


September 19th, 2022|Safety, Uncategorized|

Gun Cleaning Safety Tips

It’s spring cleaning time for gun owners heading back outdoors and a perfect time to refresh your memory on some important gun cleaning safety tips.

Follow these gun cleaning safety tips for a safer and more enjoyable summer with your firearms.

25 Gun Cleaning Safety Tips for a Safer Summer

1. First and foremost, follow the four A-C-T-T rules of gun safety at all

May 9th, 2022|Safety, Uncategorized|

10 Safety Tips for New Gun Owners

Over the last two years, an estimated 40 million guns were legally purchased in the United States. For many of these buyers, this was a first gun purchase.

New gun owners enjoy the same firearm pastimes as others — including hunting, target shooting and training for personal protection. Like all gun owners, new gun owners have a responsibility to ensure

March 31st, 2022|Safety, Uncategorized|

Hunting Safety Education Tips

Statistics from the U.S. Department of the Interior show that hunting remains a popular sport for many. Each year, hunters venture out on more than 140 million hunting trips, pursuing a wide variety of wild game all across the United States. It’s a lot of opportunity for learning and improvement.

Your local State Fish and Game Department is a great

November 11th, 2021|Safety, Uncategorized|

Fall Hunting Safety Tips

With a chill in the predawn air and the crunch of frosted leaves underfoot, there’s nothing quite like hunting in the fall. It’s a popular pastime for many, with more than 140 million hunting trips taken each year by some 12 million recreational hunters.

Yet because there are so many enjoying the great outdoors this fall, it’s important to take

October 29th, 2021|Safety, Uncategorized|

Gun Safety for Kids and How to Teach It

With firearms found in almost half the households across the United States, gun safety for kids is critical. There is a beneficial accident prevention program, Eddie Eagle Program, to help parents, law enforcement, community groups and educators teach children not to play with guns. With three short videos featuring Eddie Eagle and his Wing Team, children are engaged, while learning

August 22nd, 2019|Safety, Uncategorized|

Hunting Safety Tips

Statistics from the U.S. Department of the Interior show that hunting is becoming an increasingly popular sport. In 2011 alone, more than 13.7 million hunters pursued a variety of wild game within the United States.

Your local State Fish and Game Department is a great resource for hunter safety education training. The training courses offered by each state are designed to prevent

August 22nd, 2019|Safety, Uncategorized|

Gun Safety Rules

There are three fundamental gun safety rules for handling a firearm. They are:

  1. ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.

This is the primary gun safety rule. A safe direction means that the gun is pointed so that even if it were to go off it would not cause injury or damage. The key to this rule is to control where

August 22nd, 2019|Safety, Uncategorized|

5 Fall Hunting Safety Tips

A chill in the air, the crunch of frost on the grass, the colors of the leaves falling from the trees – there is nothing like hunting in the fall.  Whether you’re hunting deer, pheasants, turkey or waterfowl, follow these fall hunting safety tips to protect yourself and others.

1.       Permit / License – No matter where or what you’re hunting, you’ll need

August 22nd, 2019|Safety, Uncategorized|