Firearm Business Insurance
Lockton Affinity Outdoor is trusted by 4,000 firearm industry businesses. Plus, we have 23 years of industry experience and are an NSSF preferred provider.
Solutions include:
• Home based FFL’s
• Gun store insurance
• Firearm dealer insurance
• Firearm manufacturer insurance
• Ammo manufacturer insurance
• Indoor and outdoor range insurance
• Gunsmith insurance and more
Coverage for the risks you face
Firearm industry businesses have all the risks of businesses in other industries, plus the added risks that come with operating within the firearm industry. As the owner of a business in the firearm industry, you need property protection against damages and loss as well as asset protection against third-party claims of liability.
See what we can do for you.
Lockton Affinity Outdoor is committed to offering insurance coverage tailored to the needs of the firearm industry. We’re proud to be a preferred partner of NSSF, the firearm industry’s trade association.
Find the insurance coverage that meets your unique needs. Options available for firearm industry businesses include gun store insurance, firearm dealer insurance, range insurance, firearm and ammo manufacturer insurance, gunsmith insurance and more.
Benefits you’ll receive with Firearm Business Insurance
Broad coverage
Easy transactions
Additional coverage
The case for all-around coverage
As a business in the firearm industry, you benefit from coverage that meets your unique needs.
Gunsmith insurance
Knowing you don’t have to worry if there’s a break-in or a recent repair malfunctions.
Gun store insurance
Knowing you’re covered if there’s a fire or a customer has an accident on premises.
Range insurance
Knowing you’re protected from facility damage and customer mishaps.
Firearm dealer insurance
Knowing you’re protected from all-too-common dealer property and liability claims.
Don’t see your firearm industry business represented? Call us at (844) 398-0466 to see if we can meet your insurance needs.
Take the next step to protect your firearm industry business with Lockton Affinity Outdoor.